New Member Looking for Meteorites

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New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby Jörmungandr » Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:59 pm

Hi all,

I’m new here, and fairly new to meteorites. I attended a lecture by Dr. Hilary Downes about meteorites a few years ago and it which lead me to purchase a specimen of Sikhote-Alin. Now I am interested in acquiring some more meteorites and I am looking for small samples from Russia or northern Europe. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction in terms of trusted dealers based in the UK?

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Re: New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby Bryan Drummond » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:52 pm

Hi Jormungandr,

Welcome to the forum, I'm new myself and have also joined the forum a few days ago. Just like you, I have also newly started a collection and now have two samples. One is a Sikhote-Alin and the other is a Campo Del Cielo. I chose to start with these two because there are many of them on the market and therefore the prices are relatively low while still getting some good quality pieces.
Try and dealers/,alternatively just ask on the forum and someone will be able to advise you.
I look forward to hearing more about your collection.
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Re: New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby Barwellian » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:05 pm

Welcome Thomas...Where in the UK are you based?....there are dealers in the UK....but far more choice and good deals around the world...What sort of things are you looking for...I have some smaller pieces from when I started collecting that I night let go...and I know Luther in BIMS is selling off some good pieces from his collection too...Martin is also trading....depends on what you would like...Seymchan is a good one to get from Russia...some good deals on pallasite, transitional or siderite slices of Seymchan around.

You should try to get to one of our BIMS outreach meteorite shows and have a chat with us whilst looking at some specimens next one is next Wednesday at a School near Nottingham.

If you see something you like online somewhere just let us see it and we can advise.

Good luck.

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Re: New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby msg-meteorites » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:58 pm

Hi Thomas,

Welcome to BIMS :-)

Like Graham says, plenty of choice around but not so much in the UK. I have plenty of specimens available for sale but just not got the time currently to list them all on my website. I've got Chelyabinsk of all shapes and sizes for example which is the famous Russian witnessed fall on 15th February 2013 that was filmed by all the dashcams and CCTV cameras. That's a great fall to have in the collection. Just drop me a line via my contact page on my website and i can let you know what i've got :-)


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Re: New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby Lufha » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:48 pm

As Graham mentioned, I do happen to be selling around 50 of my earlier collection pieces. These could well be what you are after to bulk up your collecting without breaking the bank as most have low prices on them (most are £7.5 to £25).

I need to update the list has I have sold a handful, but drop me an email to and I'll send you ( or anyone else interested) the list and prices.

I initially offered some up on the BIMS FB page- if you use FB and haven't joined that yet, look it up, as photos of some are on there...other photos can be provided as requested.


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Re: New Member Looking for Meteorites

Postby Jörmungandr » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:47 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome. I live in Hertfordshire, so if there are any events nearby or around London I should be able to attend if I am available. I will make sure to follow up on some of your offers. Many thanks.
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