Hello there!
You might be interested in an unusual meteorite based artwork currently showing at Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art in Sunderland. Unusual in that part of the artwork is taking place outside the gallery, on eBay. This is so members of the public can participate in the work, or potentially even own it.
‘Baetylus (Catch a Falling Star)’ by Rosalind McLachlan takes the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite as a starting point to go on an exploration into objects of power, animism, deep time and archaeology. And even, perhaps coincidently, the notion of value.
Taking inspiration from the ancient Egyptians who buried their dead with meteorite jewellery, the artist has transformed a rare fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which fell to Earth on 15th February 2013 into a unique necklace, which she is now auctioning on eBay as part of the artwork.
In the gallery it is being shown alongside a 12 minute video, which follows the transformation of the meteorite from fireball to sacred object.
The whole piece considers the place of meteoric phenomena in science, myth, art and popular culture today.
In the past high status objects like meteorites were traded over hundreds of miles by foot, today we have eBay.
The auction of the artwork on eBay marks the next stage of the Chelyabinsk meteorite's journey through time and space, which began around 4.5 billion years ago, before the Earth had formed.
The auction will end on the anniversary of the fall of the meteorite this Monday, 15th of February at 9.30pm GMT."
This a link to the auction...
It is also searchable on eBay by typing in ‘catch a falling star meteorite’.