Veins of shock ?

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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby Barwellian » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:51 pm

Interesting to talk with someone who also has been on hunting expeditions...if the stone was found in the desert away from other similar rocks then it is more likely it could be a meteorite....these circumstances always help in decisions about possibilities. Analysis would not cost anything just have to send 20g if it is over 100g or 20% if under and the analysis is free if they decide to do it...then the sample is kept by the university for further study and possible classification.
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby chasseur » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:07 pm

Hello Barwellian , i contacted you by PM .
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby chasseur » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:32 am

Hello Barwellian and all.
I have make do chemical analysis of my stones in 2002 in Belgium (has the ULNN). I have whole rock chemical analysis of the major elements and the trace elements and the chemical analysis of minerals. And I applied these results with the book; Review in Mineralogy Vol: 36 / Planetary Materials J.J Papike editor. Color plot is my samples.
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby chasseur » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:48 am

Plagioclase in samples : Grey plots.
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plagioclase in samples
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby chasseur » Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:07 pm

I see that nobody can (or does not want) to talk with me, i understands, may be that it is scientifically too high …
It is not a problem, because my opinion is made concerning these stones.
Indeed, I assert that this rock is a Martian meteorite of a new type.
This type of rock, are discovered on Mars by the robot Spirit (rocks Wishstone and champagne) and I prepare my web site for present the scientific and contextual arguments to demonstrate him. But there are also unexpected elements which consolidate my conclusion; in your opinion, why the name Wishstone and champagne were chosen for to name these rocks ?
According to me, the name Wishstone is chosen because the goal of Spirit was to discover exactly this type of rock and the name champagne was chosen because this discovery confirmed the success of the mission. Champagne is a name which symbolizes the celebration of a success. And I know that I am right because I gave many samples to the French scientists between 1998 and 2002. And inform you and will see you who were responsible for the mission Spirit, they are French scientist, who create the devices of analyses of Spirit ? it is also French scientist (of the French observatory of Meudon) that chose the crater Gusev as site of landing.
How have they made?
Only one method is possible , according to me is that they used the magnetic signature of my samples for to locate at a distance and from a satellite provided with a magnetometer, the place of origin of my meteorites
And I know that I am right because I gave many samples to the French scientists between 1998 and 2002. . And inform you and you will see who were responsible for the mission Spirit, they are French scientist ,who create the devices of analyses of Spirit, it is also French scientist (French observatory of Meudon) that chose the crater Gusev as site of landing.
How have they made?
Only one possible method , according to me , is that they used the magnetic signature of my samples that I their gave to locate at a distance and from a satellite provided with a magnetometer, the place of origin of my meteorites.
The logic is merciless !
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby Barwellian » Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:22 pm

Hi Chasseur,

I am having difficulty understanding why you have trouble in France not being able to follow the usual procedure for all meteorite classification. It is quite simple. You seem to have submitted pieces to some scientists who should then be able to determine very easily what the material is and if it is a meteorite. Somebody who classifies as a profession will do the simple tests using oxygen isotopes which will immediately tell you if it is a meteorite or terrestrial.

Have you asked for that to be done by an institution that officially classifies meteorites.

After that it does not matter what other information you gather to try and support your own theories as their test is absolutely conclusive.

If it shows as being a meteorite then any professional meteoriticist would be very excited and would want to follow up with classification. Only when it is classified and published in the Met Bulletin can you then officially state that it is definitely a meteorite and what sort it is.

It is very dangerous ground to be on if you set up web pages stating that rocks are meteorites when they have not followed this procedure with expert confirmation it is a meteorite....especially if you sell any of it. It has happened before and people have had a lot of trouble with the law because of it.

You seem to have put in a lot of work trying to prove your sample is a Martian meteorite in many ways....but there is no need for that if it is one. Just take it through the proper channels with someone who is a respected expert and who classifies meteorites regularly.

See this list.....these are the real people to talk to and persuade to look at your samples....

BIMS members can help up to a point....but cannot confirm what your sample is without passing on the actual material to the expert classification institutes.

Hope that helps,

and good luck.
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Re: Veins of shock ?

Postby chasseur » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:21 pm

Thank you Barwellian.
Soon my web site !
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