Royal Society - Origin of the Moon, 23rd Sept. London

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Royal Society - Origin of the Moon, 23rd Sept. London

Postby David Entwistle » Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:27 pm

Although possibly slightly off-topic, I'm sure there'll be lots to interest meteorite enthusiasts at this Royal Society event. See links for details.

    Origin of the Moon
    Scientific discussion meeting organised by Professor Alex Halliday FRS and Professor David Stevenson FRS.
    9:00 am on Monday 23 September 2013 – 5:00 pm on Tuesday 24 September 2013
    at The Royal Society, London.

Despite widespread acceptance of the giant impact hypothesis for lunar origin, our understanding continues to be challenged by remarkable new geochemical data, improved simulations and theory, and spacecraft exploration. This will be a timely consideration of our current understanding, how this relates to our Earth and planetary systems and an opportunity to identify the directions of future research.

    Origin of the Moon – challenges and prospects
    Satellite meeting organised by Professor David Stevenson FRS and Professor Alex Halliday FRS.
    9:00 am on Wednesday 25 September 2013 – 5:00 pm on Thursday 26 September 2013
    at The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, home of the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Buckinghamshire.

Our understanding of the origin of Earth’s moon is challenged by recent isotopic data, simulations of physical processes for giant impacts and evolution of the resulting disk, and new spacecraft studies. This meeting follows on from a Royal Society meeting in London on the same topic by focusing on the unsolved problems and assessing the prospects for future directions of research.
David Entwistle
Posts: 1259
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 5:52 pm

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