110815 - 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

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110815 - 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

Postby Matt Smith » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:40 am

Several members of BIMS were able to attend the MetSoc meeting last week. Graham Ensor, Kieron Heard and I attended on Thursday 11th August so we were present on the day of the poster session including the BIMS abstract. Whilst there we met a number of other BIMS members, it was great to meet you all and put faces to the names! You can download the BIMS poster displayed at the session here in PDF format (3.1MB).

The day was excellent, Graham and Kieron attended the Lunar Science session in the morning. In the afternoon we attended a variety of presentations from the Special Session: Looking Inside: 3D Structures of Meteorites Revealed, Isotopes and Differentiated Meteorites sessions. Some personal highlights included:

  • Hunt A. C. Benedix G. K. Howard L. - Pontlyfni, the Inside Story: Distribution of Metal and Sulfide Revealed by Micro-Computed Tomography (#5136).
  • Hezel D. C. Elangovan P. Abel R. L. Howard L. E. Armstrong R. - 3D Structure of Carbonaceous Chondrites (#5175) - Where we given 3D glasses to observe a rotation scan of Allende with the matrix material removed.
  • Warren P. H. Rubin A. E. Isa J. Thompson E. Ahn I. Choi B.-G. - Northwest Africa 6693, a Near-Ultramafic Achondrite with Low (0.6 × Chondritic) Mg/Si, Na-Feldspar, Ni-Rich Fo50 Olivine and Low Δ17O (#5230) and Irving A. J. * Tanaka R. Steele A. Kuehner S. M. Bunch T. E. Wittke J. H. Hupé G. M. - Northwest Africa 6704: A Unique Cumulate Permafic Achondrite Containing Sodic Feldspar, Awaruite and ―Fluid‖ Inclusions, With an Oxygen Isotopic Composition in the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Field (#5231). I place these together as the stones are paired, described as "enigmatic" and "hard to pigeon hole" it is clear we have a lot to learn from this intriguing meteorite.
  • McDermott K. H. Greenwood R. C. Franchi I. A. Anand M. Scott E. R. D. - The Relationship Between the IIE Irons and H Chondrites: Petrological and Oxygen Isotope Constraints (#5430). The differences between certain members of the IIE irons were highlighted and evidence linking these to various H groups identified.
  • Wasson J. T. Hoppe P. - Cooling Rates of IVA and IIIAB Meteorites (#5431).

I would like to thank Mark Ford for providing the original "About Us" text I used as a basis for the abstract and poster, Richard Greenwood for support in producing the abstract/poster and arranging for the poster to be printed at the OU, Luther Jackson for his work at short notice on the members map. Thank you!
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Matt Smith
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Re: 110815 - 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

Postby msg-meteorites » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:30 am

Sorry i couldnt be there but glad that a few members managed to make it. I really missed out i am sure as some of those papers sound fascinating! Did any of you manage to get to Professor Pillingers presentation on the Lakehouse meteorite?
Martin Goff
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Re: 110815 - 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

Postby Matt Smith » Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:50 am

msg-meteorites wrote:Did any of you manage to get to Professor Pillingers presentation on the Lakehouse meteorite?

Graham, Kieron and I were only able to attend on the Thursday so missed the Lakehouse presentation. We did see the posters about it and have a few interesting conversations though. At some point I will try to get some information together to add to the British and Irish meteorites pages.
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Re: 110815 - 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society

Postby msg-meteorites » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:19 am

Excellent, i will look forward to reading about it.
Martin Goff
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