The British and Irish Meteorite Society (BIMS) |
Meteorite Live News Feed |
150716 - CosmicCon 2015 article and photos |
BIMS treasurer Martin Goff has just published a writeup and some photos from the recent CosmicCon 2015 Space event held in Manchester. Looks like BIMS members Martin, Matt, Graham and Luther put on a great display 
You can see the article on Martin's website here:
Well done to all who helped make this a fantastic event! |
150629 - Prize winner from competition at CosmicCon 2015 |
As usual we ran a competition on our BIMS meteorite display at the inaugural CosmicCon 2015 event. It was a 'Guess the weight of the weight of the meteorite' competition and we used an NWA unclassified meteorite that weighed 1170 grams. We received 394 entries and as previously no one actually guessed exactly right but a few did get close. The person who got closest and is our competition winner is Joe Coyle with a guess of 1164 grams, only 6 grams away from the actual weight! Congratulations Joe! 
Thanks to all who entered and all who donated, these donations are what helps us to carry on to be able to attend events such as this and put on world class meteorite displays where visitors can see and touch so many amazing meteorites.
See you all at the next one  |
141104 - Prize winner from North West Astro Fest 2014 |
We have a winner from our guess the weight of the meteorite competition that we held at North West Astro Fest 2014. The unclassified NWA meteorite weighed 160.6 grams and the closest guess was 158 grams. Two people guessed 158g and after putting names in a hat we picked out Stacey Habergham from the Astrophysics research institute at Liverpool John Moores University. Well done Stacey, prize is en route  |
140913 - Image of the Month for September |
 The phrase "better late than never" is definitely appropriate in the case of this 275g Allende (CV3) slice. Yes, that really is two hundred and seventy five grams of CV3 meteorite! The famous and scientifically important Allende fall showered Pueblito de Allende, Mexico with previously very scarce CV3 meteorites in February 1969. Click here to view the image in the Gallery or here for our archive of all previous "Image of the Month" images.
Many thanks to Martin Goff for providing this image, I should point out he sent it to me in August, the late update is entirely my fault. |
140826 - Appley Bridge meteorite talk & book launch 13th Oct |
There is a new book being published soon on the Appley Bridge meteorite. It has been written by Russell Parry who is an Appley Bridge local with the foreword written by Dr. David Gelsthorpe of the Manchester Museum.
This is the fascinating story of the fall and find of the Appley Bridge meteorite in 1914 as told through newspaper reports and archive documents of the time. It tells the story of the confusion with enemy Zeppelins, the confiscation of the meteorite by the police and its subsequent release for analysis. The book includes previously unseen photographs of the meteorite and images provided by various organisations around the World. The current locations of samples of the meteorite are also listed together with articles and publications on the meteorite
Comment from the Natural History Museum after reading a proof copy:
Very good - easy to read', 'very informative', lovely design and style
More details of the book can be seen here: ... 8508308197?
Russell is giving a talk at the local Museum of Wigan life at 19:00hrs on 13th October 2014. The talk is free to attend and will mark the 100th anniversary of the fall. The book will also be launched then with copies available on the night. Details of the museum are below:
BIMS members will also be in attendance on the night putting on a small display of meteorites for visitors to see and hold. |
140802 - Image of the Month for August |
 It's two in a row for Mike Simms this month with an image of his 650g Korra Korrabes (H3) specimen. Korra Korrabes is a Namibian find, first discovered within the Gibeon strewnfield during 1996. Click here to view the image in the Gallery or here for our archive of all previous "Image of the Month" images.
Please could members send me some more images, the virtual cupboard is actually bare! |
140630 - Image of the Month for July |

This month I had the choice of two images kindly provided by Mike Simms. I couldn't resist this 5.6g Itqiy (EH7-an) specimen as I do find myself drawn to unusual classifications. Itqiy is the ONLY specimen in the Meteoritical Bulletin database with the EH7-an classification. Click here to view the image in the Gallery or here for our archive of all previous "Image of the Month" images.
I'm still looking for more image of the month submissions, as always! |
140624 - Natural History Museum - Meteorite Group Blog |
Thank you to David Entwistle for pointing out that the Natural History Museum (London) Meteorite Group have started a blog about their work |
140624 - Image of the Month - Catch Up! |
After almost 5 years of never being more than a few days late for an "Image of the Month" update, events overtook me recently and I missed a couple of months, today I've added the (late) June image and missing April and May images:
 April: Gibeon (Iron, IVA), courtesy of Barry Lee
 May: Cold Bokkeveld (CM2), courtesy of Mark Crawford.
 June: Campo del Cielo (Iron, IAB-MG), courtesy of David Entwistle
Click here to view the June image in the Gallery or here for our archive of all previous "Image of the Month" images.
Apologies for the delay on these. The members listed above will note that some of these are images were sent to me a considerable time ago, I really don't have any images left for future months now. PLEASE could active members try to send me some images to replenish the supplies! Contact me via the forum if you need my email address. |
140303 - Image of the Month for March 2014 |

This months exemplary specimen is a 5.2g part-slice of the 97 year old Scottish fall Strathmore (L6). The image was kindly provided by Kieron Heard. Click here to view the image in the Gallery or here for our archive of all previous "Image of the Month" images.
More image of the month submissions are always welcome! |
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