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British and Irish Meteorites
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The British and Irish Meteorite Society (BIMS)
Joining BIMS

Join Membership of BIMS is free, and new members are always welcome regardless of experience. Members have access to the members only sections of our forums where you are free to discuss meteorites and related phenomena in a friendly and supportive environment.

To apply for BIMS membership simply complete the following two steps. We will usually get back to you within a few days to confirm that your membership has been approved. We look forward to hearing from you.

Step One:
Please register on the BIMS forum if you haven't already. You can register here.

Step Two:
Complete and submit the online membership forum below.

Full Name:

Email address:

BIMS forum username*:

Postal Address**:

Brief description of your interest in meteorites:

Conditions of Membership and Society Rules

  • No member shall bring the society into disrepute.
  • The Societies logo and name should not be misused or used as any proof of authenticity in ebay/auctions etc.
  • Any meteorite collecting activities shall be undertaken in a responsible way
  • Continuing membership is at the discretion of the board

* As chosen in Step One above.
** Postal addresses may be used in the event of a British or Irish meteorite fall so that we can establish those members that live locally, they will not be provided to anybody other than the BIMS chairman.
